Usage examples

As follows are usage example for all detrending methods offered by wotan. In all examples, the following synthetic data are used:

import numpy as np
from wotan import flatten

points = 1000
time = np.linspace(0, 30, points)
flux = 1 + ((np.sin(time) + time / 10 + time**1.5 / 100) / 1000)
noise = np.random.normal(0, 0.0001, points)
flux += noise
for i in range(points):
    if i % 75 == 0:
        flux[i:i+5] -= 0.0004  # Add some transits
        flux[i+50:i+52] += 0.0002  # and flares
flux[300:400] = np.nan

Robust estimators with tuning constant

Some robust estimators can be tuned: biweight, andrewsinewave, welsch, huber, huber_psi, hampel, hampelfilt, tau. The hodges can not be tuned.

Example usage:

flatten_lc, trend_lc = flatten(
    time,                 # Array of time values
    flux,                 # Array of flux values
    window_length=0.5,    # The length of the filter window in units of ``time``
    edge_cutoff=0.5,      # length (in units of time) to be cut off each edge.
    break_tolerance=0.5,  # Split into segments at breaks longer than that
    return_trend=True,    # Return trend and flattened light curve
    cval=5.0              # Tuning parameter for the robust estimators

Which we can plot as follows:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.scatter(time, flux, s=1, color='black')
plt.plot(time, trend_lc, color='red', linewidth=2)

plt.scatter(time, flatten_lc, s=1, color='black')


Tuning constants cval are defined as multiples in units of median absolute deviation from the central location. Defaults are usually chosen to achieve high efficiency for Gaussian distributions. For example, for the biweight a cval of 6 includes data up to 4 standard deviations (6 median absolute deviations) from the central location and has an efficiency of 98%. Another typical value for the biweight is 4.685 with 95% efficiency. Larger values for make the estimate more efficient but less robust. The default for the biweight in wotan is 5, as it has shown the best results in the transit injection retrieval experiment. The other defaults are from the literature.

  • biweight 5
  • andrewsinewave 1.339
  • welsch 2.11
  • huber 1.5
  • huber_psi 1.28
  • hampel (1.7, 3.4, 8.5)
  • hampelfilt 3
  • ramsay 0.3
  • tau: 4.5

The hampel has a 3-part descending function, known also as (a,b,c). Its tuning constant cval must be given as a tuple of 3 values. Typical values are (1.7, 3.4, 8.5) called “17A”; and (2.5, 4.5, 9.5) called “25A”. With values given as multiples of the median absolute deviation, the 25A can be stated equivalently: a’ = 1.686, b’ = 3.035 c’ = 6.408 as multiples of the standard deviation.

Trimmed methods

There are 3 methods which first focus on outlier treatment, followed by taking the mean in a second stage: trim_mean, winsorize and hampelfilt.

  • The hampelfilt was already discussed in the previous section because its threshold is defined as cval times the median absolute deviation, beyond which it replaces values with the median.
  • The trim_mean deletes the fraction proportiontocut from both sides of the distribution.
  • The winsorize replaces the fraction proportiontocut from both sides of the distribution with the remaining values at the edges.

Example usage:

flatten_lc, trend_lc = flatten(
    time,                 # Array of time values
    flux,                 # Array of flux values
    window_length=0.5,    # The length of the filter window in units of ``time``
    edge_cutoff=0.5,      # length (in units of time) to be cut off each edge.
    break_tolerance=0.5,  # Split into segments at breaks longer than that
    return_trend=True,    # Return trend and flattened light curve
    proportiontocut=0.1   # Cut 10% off both ends

median, mean

These methods ignore the parameters proportiontocut and cval

Example usage:

flatten_lc, trend_lc = flatten(
    time,                 # Array of time values
    flux,                 # Array of flux values
    window_length=0.5,    # The length of the filter window in units of ``time``
    edge_cutoff=0.5,      # length (in units of time) to be cut off each edge.
    break_tolerance=0.5,  # Split into segments at breaks longer than that
    return_trend=True,    # Return trend and flattened light curve


This method is cadence-based. Included to compare to the time-windowed median. The parameter window_length is now in units of cadence (i.e., array data points). It ignores the parameters edge_cutoff and break_tolerance.

Example usage:

flatten_lc, trend_lc = flatten(
    time,                 # Array of time values
    flux,                 # Array of flux values
    window_length=31 ,    # The length of the filter window in cadences
    return_trend=True,    # Return trend and flattened light curve

Spline: robust rspline

Spline with iterative sigma-clipping. It does not provide edge_cutoff, but benefits greatly from using a sensible break_tolerance. Example usage:

flatten_lc, trend_lc = flatten(
    time,                 # Array of time values
    flux,                 # Array of flux values
    window_length=0.5,    # The knot distance in units of ``time``
    break_tolerance=0.5,  # Split into segments at breaks longer than that
    return_trend=True,    # Return trend and flattened light curve

Spline: robust hspline

Spline with robust Huber-estimator (linear and quadratic loss). It does not provide edge_cutoff, but benefits greatly from using a sensible break_tolerance. Example usage:

flatten_lc, trend_lc = flatten(
    time,                 # Array of time values
    flux,                 # Array of flux values
    window_length=0.5,    # The knot distance in units of ``time``
    break_tolerance=0.5,  # Split into segments at breaks longer than that
    return_trend=True,    # Return trend and flattened light curve

Spline: robust penalized pspline

Major update with version 1.6.

Robust spline through iterative sigma-clipping. The iterations (as printed during the runtime) make the spline fit robust against outliers. In each iteration, data points more than PSPLINES_STDEV_CUT=2 standard deviations away from the fit are removed. Remaining data are fit again. The iteration cycle stops when zero outliers remain, or (at the latest) after PSPLINES_MAXITER=10 iterations are completed.

In each iteration, PyGAM is used to determine the optimal number of splines (with equidistantly spaced knots). It tests n=[1,..max_splines] knots. In each test, the sum of the squared residuals is noted. Afterwards, a “penalty calculation” is performed. More knots make a smoother fit, i.e. smaller residuals. But more knots are “bad” due to the risk of overfitting. Both measures are weighted against each other, i.e. the number of knots is penalized. Per default, the L2 norm (ridge smoothing) is used.

The edge_cutoff functionality is provided. The penalized spline method benefits greatly from using a sensible break_tolerance. Example usage:

flatten_lc, trend_lc, nsplines = flatten(
    time,                   # Array of time values
    flux,                   # Array of flux values
    max_splines=100,        # The maximum number of knots to be tested
    edge_cutoff=0.5,        # Remove edges
    stdev_cut=2             # Larger outliers are removed in each iteration
    return_trend=True,      # Return trend and flattened light curve
    return_nsplines=True,   # Return chosen number of knots
    verbose=False           # If true, prints status during runtime

which returns the usual flattened light curve and the actual trend. In addition, when choosing return_nsplines=True, the chosen spline value (number of knots) is returned. This is done separately for each segment, in case break_tolerance>0 resulted in segmentation. Check this with:

print('lightcurve was split into', len(nsplines), 'segments')
print('chosen number of splines', nsplines)

which returns something like:

lightcurve was split into 2 segments
nsplines [19. 26.]

To determine the distance between the knots in each segment, you can run

from wotan.gaps import get_gaps_indexes
segs = get_gaps_indexes(time, break_tolerance=break_tolerance)
segs[-1] -= 2  # remove endpoint padding
durations = []
for seg in range(len(segs)-1):
    start = time[segs[seg]]
    stop = time[segs[seg+1]-1]
    duration = stop - start
    print(start, stop, duration)
print('Segment durations', durations)
print('Time between knots', durations / nsplines)

which prints something like:

Segment durations [7.54, 12.25, 12.14, 12.33]
Time between knots [0.25 0.27 0.21 0.16]

Lowess / Loess

Locally weighted scatterplot smoothing (Cleveland 1979). Offers segmentation (break_tolerance), but no edge clipping (edge_cutoff). For similar results compared to other spline-based methods or sliders, use a window_length about twice as long. Example usage:

flatten_lc, trend_lc = flatten(
    time,                 # Array of time values
    flux,                 # Array of flux values
    window_length=1,      # The length of the filter window in units of ``time``
    break_tolerance=0.5,  # Split into segments at breaks longer than that
    return_trend=True,    # Return trend and flattened light curve


Cosine Filtering with Autocorrelation Minimization. Does not provide edge_cutoff, but benefits greatly from using a sensible break_tolerance. Example usage:

flatten_lc, trend_lc = flatten(
    time,                 # Array of time values
    flux,                 # Array of flux values
    window_length=0.5,    # Protected window span in units of ``time``
    break_tolerance=0.5,  # Split into segments at breaks longer than that
    return_trend=True,    # Return trend and flattened light curve

Fitting of sines and cosines

Fits a sum of sines and cosines, where the highest order is determined by the protected window span window_length in units of time. A robustification (iterative sigma-clipping of 2-sigma outliers until convergence) is available by setting the parameter robust=True. Example usage:

flatten_lc, trend_lc = flatten(
    time,                 # Array of time values
    flux,                 # Array of flux values
    robust='True',        # iterative sigma-clipping of 2-sigma outliers until convergence
    window_length=0.5,    # Protected window span in units of ``time``
    break_tolerance=0.5,  # Split into segments at breaks longer than that
    return_trend=True,    # Return trend and flattened light curve


Friedman’s (1984) Super-Smoother, a local linear regression with adaptive bandwidth. Does not provide edge_cutoff, but benefits greatly from using a sensible break_tolerance. Example usage:

flatten_lc, trend_lc = flatten(
    time,                 # Array of time values
    flux,                 # Array of flux values
    window_length=0.5,    # The knot distance in units of ``time``
    break_tolerance=0.5,  # Split into segments at breaks longer than that
    return_trend=True,    # Return trend and flattened light curve
    cval=None             # Bass enhancement (smoothness)


cval determines the bass enhancement (smoothness) and can be None or in the range 0 < cval < 10. Smaller values make the trend more flexible to fit out small variations.

Savitzky-Golay savgol

Sliding segments are fit with polynomials (Savitzky & Golay 1964). This filter is cadence-based (not time-windowed), so that window_length must be an integer value. If an even integer is provided, it is made uneven (a requirement) by adding 1. The polyorder is set by cval (default: 2 - the best value from our experiments). Does not provide edge_cutoff, but benefits from using a sensible break_tolerance.

Example usage:

flatten_lc, trend_lc = flatten(
    time,                 # Array of time values
    flux,                 # Array of flux values
    cval=2,               # Defines polyorder
    window_length=51,     # The window length in cadences
    break_tolerance=0.5,  # Split into segments at breaks longer than that
    return_trend=True,    # Return trend and flattened light curve

Gaussian Processes

Available kernels are :

  • squared_exp Squared-exponential kernel, with option for iterative sigma-clipping
  • matern Matern 3/2 kernel, with option for iterative sigma-clipping
  • periodic Periodic kernel informed by a user-specified period
  • periodic_auto Periodic kernel informed by a Lomb-Scargle periodogram pre-search

GPs do not provide edge_cutoff, but benefit from using a sensible break_tolerance.

Example usage:

flatten_lc, trend_lc = flatten(
    time,                 # Array of time values
    flux,                 # Array of flux values
    kernel='squared_exp', # GP kernel choice
    kernel_size=10,       # GP kernel length
    break_tolerance=0.5,  # Split into segments at breaks longer than that
    return_trend=True,    # Return trend and flattened light curve


The sensible kernel_size varies between kernels.

A robustification (iterative sigma-clipping of 2-sigma outliers until convergence) is available by setting the parameter robust=True:

flatten_lc, trend_lc = flatten(
    time,                 # Array of time values
    flux,                 # Array of flux values
    kernel='squared_exp', # GP kernel choice
    kernel_size=10,       # GP kernel length
    break_tolerance=0.5,  # Split into segments at breaks longer than that
    robust=True,          # Robustification using iterative sigma clipping
    return_trend=True,    # Return trend and flattened light curve

Here we can simply swap kernel='squared_exp' for kernel='matern' and play with kernel_size to get a very similar result.

In the presence of strong periodicity, we can also use the periodic kernel. This version does not support robustification. If we know the period, we can do this.

flatten_lc2, trend_lc2 = flatten(
    time,                  # Array of time values
    flux,                  # Array of flux values
    kernel='periodic',     # GP kernel choice
    kernel_period=2*3.14,  # GP kernel period
    kernel_size=10,        # GP kernel length
    break_tolerance=0.5,   # Split into segments at breaks longer than that
    return_trend=True,     # Return trend and flattened light curve

Usually, however, it is better to let wotan detect the period. We can do this by setting kernel='periodic_auto'. Then, a Lomb-Scargle periodogram is calculated, and the strongest peak is used as the period. In addition, a Matern kernel is added to consume the remaining non-periodic variation. This version does not support robustification. Example:

flatten_lc2, trend_lc2 = flatten(
    time,                    # Array of time values
    flux,                    # Array of flux values
    kernel='periodic_auto',  # GP kernel choice
    kernel_size=10,          # GP kernel length
    break_tolerance=0.5,     # Split into segments at breaks longer than that
    return_trend=True,       # Return trend and flattened light curve